Supply Chain Collapse and Food Scarcity Coming to US in 2022?

Supply Chain Collapse and Food Scarcity Coming to US in 2022?


This is a neighborly prepper message in the event we experience a total supply chain collapse in the coming months. In case you have not been following all the nightmarish and confusing news, there is a good possibility that our supply chain may breakdown in the latter half of 2022 in the US.

There is already a ten to fifteen percent loss of delivery with predictions of it going past twenty five percent any week with containers of goods stuck out in the Pacific and worker firings for not taking the shot. It is a controlled and planned collapse of our society by the globalists looking to implement their great reset plan.

Whether they get away with it fully or not, it is wise to plan now for you and your family to have food, shelter, clean water and local contact with a neighbor or two. The supply chain collapse is real!

There was literally no meat products at all, zero. I went back yesterday and they did get some supplies in and I scooped up quite a bit of extra items plus additional canned goods. I have been stock piling canned goods, rice and jugs of water I make from my distilling machine.

Nearly 50 food packing facilities have been destroyed mostly by fire! No arson reported in any of these losses! We see very little to no reporting on this over main stream media! The coincidence of this many food supply plants is about zero percent! We are at war with the globalists great recent and they’re using the Biden puppet administration to run cover for it!

High Dose Iodine – Novel Iodine Protocol Breakthrough

High Dose Iodine – Novel Iodine Protocol Breakthrough


Iodine is an essential mineral and one of the most important elemental minerals for human health. It plays a critical role in maintaining healthy thyroid function. Iodine is required to make thyroid hormones which regulate energy, protein, fat, and other hormones. Iodine provides the building blocks for thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These hormones, in turn, regulate your body’s metabolism.

Iodine prevents goiter, an enlarged thyroid. Iodine deficiency can result in low energy levels, depression, weight gain, and problems with the nervous system.

It is an essential mineral that has huge health implications but most people are not getting enough of it in their diets.

This article is about the benefits of the iodine protocol, iodine rich food, supplements and the implications of insufficient amounts in our diet.

Bill Gates Says Eat Synthetic Beef in 2022 to Save the Planet!

Bill Gates Says Eat Synthetic Beef in 2022 to Save the Planet!

Synthetic beef company or Another Bill Gates Eugenics Project?

The idea of a synthetic beef company is not new. In fact, it was first introduced in the 1930s by Winston Churchill. The idea was to create a meat substitute that would be cheaper and more sustainable than traditional meat. In 2022, Bill Gates says eat synthetic beef while elites like me deserve to eat steak!

Vitamin D Deficiency Crisis in America

Vitamin D Deficiency Crisis in America

Question – Why are so many people experiencing vitamin D deficiency?

Question – Is going out in the mid day sun dangerous without using sunscreen?

Question – What is the best method for getting vitamin D, gel cap pill, certain foods, uvb spectrum rays?

Question – What function(s) does vitamin D perform?

Unfortunately, the general public is woefully misinformed or simply unaware of the ramifications of sub clinical levels of vitamin D. We are told to stay out of the sun or at the very least, slather spf one million all over our bodies! Getting vitamins from the sun? What? This sounds like lizard magic! Vitamin D is good for teeth so no big deal since I brush them and they seem to not be falling out. Please read on and take heed if you are one of the many that have no idea about vitamin D

High Rep – Low Weight Bodybuilding Benefits!

High Rep – Low Weight Bodybuilding Benefits!

Research shows benefits of high rep low weight bodybuilding

  • Muscle pumps have been found to stimulate muscle growth:

High volume, lower weight resistance training stimulates the muscles with a high volume of repetitions. This creates fatigue in the muscle which causes an increase in muscular growth. If this type of workout is employed over time, it can stimulate muscle growth because it forces more blood flow to the muscles.

  • Increase in size and shape:

High volume, low intensity workouts can also benefit bodybuilders who want to increase muscle size and modify body shape.

High volume, low weight bodybuilding benefits is a way to build muscle without the heavy weight. The high volume program works to create the muscle pump and the “burn” sensation in muscles.

Quinoa for Bodybuilding, the New Legal Steroid?

Quinoa for Bodybuilding, the New Legal Steroid?

Quinoa for bodybuilding? It is one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. Most people know it as a grain, but it’s actually a seed from the Chenopodium quinoa plant. Quinoa seeds are high in protein, dietary fiber, iron and magnesium. It is gluten free and also contains higher levels of essential amino acids than other grains or cereals.

quinoa for bodybuilding
bowl of quinoa for bodybuilding

Quinoa protein provides all the essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. It also contains high levels of vitamin B and magnesium, which are both essential for the body to function properly. It has the highest percentage of fiber out of any food, making it an excellent choice for those who are trying to lose weight or have digestive problems.

Quinoa is a nutritious and healthy food that can be used as a supplement for bodybuilders. It is a good source of protein, complex carbs, fiber, and omega-3 fats. Quinoa has an excellent amino acid profile which makes it an ideal food for bodybuilders.
