The 8 pillars of health generally takes into account a holistic approach to wellness. The physical pillar addresses fitness tips. As a workout junkie myself, this health and fitness tips pillar is one of my favorites to research to report on. It turns out that incorporating all 8 pillars is the most productive.

Today’s post is going to be different with a list of health and fitness tips instead of just subject! Maybe we will make it a regular column. Why not create health and fitness tops of the week post? We will still do deep dives into singular topics but let’s mix it up!

Let’s create the first post on Top ten best resistance exercises for building muscle? How about top ten muscle building supplements? Maybe, top ten ways to boost your metabolism? Top 10 ways to conquer anxiety? This could be endless? I like it! Let’s call it the Cliff’s Notes to a better you! Maybe not, but I think a quick, abridged and to the point list could be fun and informative! Here goes!

OK, the health and fitness tips of the week is…

prepper tips for food shortage
stock up on the proper foods and supplies for pending shortage

Health and Fitness Top Ten Prepper Tips of the Week!

1- Food – Obvious but the most essential. Plan for the worst and hope for the best. Take into account there may be no electricity. You can buy pre0packed sealed foods from distributors but they are expensive. Before the food shortage happens probably in the fall of 2022, you should consider stocking up on canned goods while there is a selection.

Dehydrating food is another great way to keep nutrients in food and make them last up to a year or more. Canning is another method. Dry beans and rice can be purchased in large sacks and stored in paint buckets or other sealable plastic bins. Take steps now to stock up to at least a couple of months food if not longer. Buy seeds and plant a garden or get with others to co-op one. Make contact with local ranchers for meat.

2- Water – If all hell breaks loose, we may be without clean water. Make sure to have an osmotic water filter that can operate without power. Purchase as many large storage bottles a you can and put fill them and place in a cool dark area.

3- Protection – Get a shotgun and pistol if you can and purchase several boxes of ammo. Place extra locks, deadbolts on doors and entry ways. The saying goes something like, people are 9 meals from inhumanity. When folks are starving, the survival instincts will kick in and all bets are off. You don’t want to be sized up by your neighbors!

4- Communication – No cell service, internet or phones are another consideration. Short wave radios, crank up radios and satellite phones are options. There is a satellite based text device also. You don’t want to resort to smoke signals or homing pigeons.

5- Transportation – Gas for cars could be unavailable so if you have a safe place to store extra gas cans, it is a good idea. Get your bike road ready.

6- Meds and Supplements – Time to get backup supplies of essential meds. First aid kit. Since you may be living off less the optimal foods, nutritional supplements can be a life saver. Get as much as you can and store in a cool, dry place.

7- Personal Toiletries – Toothpaste, soap, shampoo, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, etc.

8- Currency – The US dollar is crashing as we are tens of trillions in debt. If the world moves away from the US dollar as the choice, we could quickly disintegrate into a Venezuela. Gold, silver and crypto currencies may become the go to hot tips. Barter will be a possibility so think about useful and tradeable items you can stock up on. Cigarettes, matches, booze, etc. Think of the opposite of health and fitness tips and rather focus on addictions. Candy, soda, weed, pain pills, whatever.

9- Support System – Consider banding with trusted individuals, families that are prepping with you and may be of help and assistance in bad times. Do not presume your neighbors will be allies if you do not know them.

10- Energy – Gas/solar combo generators are available and a great option if power is gone. Portable solar panels are available online. I priced a system a while back that could power all the basics for under three thousand. Propane tanks for cooking with a grill. Flashlights, batteries and solar charging units.

10.5- Immune System – Go to our many health and fitness tips articles asap! You need to get as healthy as possible now because you may be eating very poorly if it comes down to it. Apply our health and fitness tips so you also don’t get your ass beat by a starving zombie!

Prepping Summary

OK, that’s it for health and fitness 10 prepper tips of the week but certainly not all inclusive! I hope this gets you thinking about preparing for what could be the worst time in modern history for us. Most people are totally unaware of everything lining up for a terrible disaster in the near future. Read my other holistic health and fitness tips articles on why this is the time to prepare for survival and food scarcity.

Prepping for the Zombie Apocalypse

PS Keep in mind that most prepping is something you can use regardless of pending disaster. You can always eat the food so don’t be shy about spending the money now. Besides, with runaway inflation, it makes good sense to buy at today’s prices. I am not a survivalist, so these prepper tips are not from some guy living in the woods, down by the river. My experience is quite limited, but I am now taking it seriously and prepping with my own health and fitness tips advice.

From the King of Prepping – Mike Adams

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