
Millions of people around the world are busy trying to find ways to fight the common cold. While there is still no cure, there are some suggestions that can help reduce symptoms. Nootropics have been used in the medical field for centuries, but they have recently found a new use in fighting off illnesses. These are supplements sold to make people smarter or stronger with little to no side effects. This article addresses this class of supplements for immunity.

As the world’s population grows, so do the many diseases. Aging populations, changing diets, and increased environmental pollution affect people all over the world. There are many ways to prevent illness, but the most beneficial way is to strengthen your immune system. The following article will list some substances called nootropics that can help you boost your immune system naturally. These substances are certainly worth trying because they are relatively inexpensive and won’t negatively affect you physically or mentally.

Nootropics, in general, refers to a cognitive enhancing supplement with a wide range of benefits. A recent study suggests that some nootropics may boost immunity. The study revealed that when mice were given the supplement Aniracetam before being exposed to mouse cancer cells, their cancer cell development was significantly reduced. In addition, the mice also demonstrated an increased ability to clear free radicals from the body.

nootropics immunity supplements
nootropics for the brain and also for immunity

Nootropics Immunity System Overview

Your immune system is your body’s natural defense system against infection and illness. Unfortunately, it can’t always keep up with the multitude of these invaders that find their way into your body. These microscopic intruders may cause you to feel achy and uncomfortable, but they can also leave you feeling weak and lethargic.

T cells are a type of white blood cell that protects the body from foreign invaders. It is important to note that lymphocytes, which also protect the body from invaders, can be categorized as either T cells or B cells. However, T cells outnumber B cells and generally account for more than 90% of lymphocytes in the bloodstream. The reason why T cells are so important is because they help identify and neutralize what we consider “bad” invaders such as viruses and bacteria.

There are many reasons people may want to improve their immunity or prevent illness, including cancer prevention. Noopept and piracetam can help to boost immunity by increasing neurotransmitter levels in the brain, which increase the production of white blood cells. Research has shown an increase in natural killer cells (an immune cell that targets viruses) when taking nootropics.

Introduction to Classes

Nootropics are a class of drugs that enhance cognitive function and in some cases, boost immunity. They work by increasing oxygen and glucose in the brain. There is a wide array of nootropics, which include drugs such as modafinil, piracetam, or Ritalin. They can either be stimulants or supplements. Some include compounds that promote physical fitness. Others address immune system.

Popular Uses:

  • memory improvement
  • mood elevation
  • attention span
  • increased sensory perception
  • productivity
  • physical endeavors
  • treatments for certain diseases
  • immune system support

Studies have shown that a variety of nootropics for immunity may not all be created equal. One type is thought to be particularly helpful for this is a class of drugs called Immunotherapeutics. These types of drugs are designed to help stimulate and strengthen immunity which in turn helps fight off infections and diseases.

nootropics immunity
smart drugs – nootropics immunity enhancers

Targeted Nootropics Immunity Boosting Supplements

Some of the most popular ones include:


Alpha GPC


Bacopa Monnieri

Cat’s Claw

Cordyceps Sinensis

Curcumin (Turmeric)

DHA (Omega 3)

EGCG (Green Tea Extract)

– Arginine & Citrulline – Nitric Oxide

Abstract: Nitric oxide and the immune response

During the past two decades, nitric oxide (NO) has been recognized as one of the most versatile players in the immune system. It is involved in the pathogenesis and control of infectious diseases, tumors, autoimmune processes and chronic degenerative diseases. Because of its variety of reaction partners (DNA, proteins, low–molecular weight thiols, prosthetic groups, reactive oxygen intermediates), its widespread production (by three different NO synthases (NOS) and the fact that its activity is strongly influenced by its concentration, NO continues to surprise and perplex immunologists.

Today, there is no simple, uniform picture of the function of NO in the immune system. Protective and toxic effects of NO are frequently seen in parallel. Its striking inter- and intracellular signaling capacity makes it extremely difficult to predict the effect of NOS inhibitors and NO donors, which still hampers therapeutic applications.

@article{Bogdan2001NitricOA, title={Nitric oxide and the immune response}, author={Christian Bogdan}, journal={Nature Immunology}, year={2001}, volume={2}, pages={907-916} } nootropics immunity

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Nootropics Depot offers a variety of health and immune supplements that may support your body’s natural immunity. From EpiCor to Ashwaganda, Panax Ginseng …